Contact Us
2024-25 Middle School Hours
8:10 AM - 3:40 PM
Early Release 12:45 PM
TMS Daily Schedule
Daily Schedule: Start time is 8:10 am and the TARDY bell time is 8:15 am. We encourage all students to be in the building by 8:00 am.
Dismissal Time: 3:40 pm Students NOT picked up by 3:50 pm will be escorted to the front.
Morning Procedure: From 7:30 - 8:10 am ALL students report to the cafeteria. Breakfast line is open from 7:40 - 8 am. 6th Graders report to Zero Hour at 7:45 am.
Girls Athletics: breakfast is served from 7:40 - 8 am. Attendance is taken at 8:10 and workouts start at 8:15.
Title 1 Information
About Terry Middle School
Terry Middle School opened in 2006. The school was named after Dr. James P. Terry, a former MISD Superintendent.
Our Feeder Pattern
2024-25 Terry Middle School 6th Grade Bell Schedule
Class Period | Class Start | Class End |
1st | 8:10 AM | 8:58 AM |
2nd | 9:02 AM | 9:50 AM |
3rd | 9:54 AM | 10:42 AM |
4th | 10:46 AM | 12:12 PM |
5th | 12:16 PM | 1:04 PM |
6th | 1:08 PM | 1:56 PM |
7th | 2:00 PM | 2:48 PM |
8th | 2:52 PM | 3:40 PM |
2024-25 Terry Middle School 7th & 8th Grade Bell Schedule
Class Period | Class Start | Class End |
1st | 8:10 AM | 8:58 AM |
2nd | 9:02 AM | 9:50 AM |
3rd | 9:54 AM | 10:42 AM |
4th | 10:46 AM | 11:34 AM |
5th | 11:38 AM | 1:04 PM |
6th | 1:08 PM | 1:56 PM |
7th | 2:00 PM | 2:48 PM |
8th | 2:52 PM | 3:40 PM |
Terry Administration

Irena Mayson

Shaunissy Gray

Emily Okeke-Gillespie
Campus Visitors
All visitors to Terry Middle School (parents, guardians, volunteers, contractors, etc.) are required to present a valid state issued ID in the office.
The ID number will be entered into the new V-Soft computer system. V-Soft helps track visitors, students, faculty, contractors and volunteers at our school, thus providing a safer, more monitored environment for the students. V-Soft also has the capability to provide alerts on people who may jeopardize the safety of the campus.